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Teaming up with Intuit QuickBooks on small business retirement

Kevin Busque Profile
Kevin Busque
CEO and Founder of Guideline

Today, we’re excited to share that we’ve teamed up with QuickBooks to offer seamless access to our modern and affordable retirement platform to the millions of American small businesses that run on QuickBooks.

We couldn’t be more proud to integrate with a company so dedicated to the needs of small businesses. QuickBooks’ online platform helps small businesses manage all aspects of their business, from accounting and payroll to payments, banking, and access to capital. These small businesses will now be able to start setting up their company’s 401(k) plan in minutes.

To get started, business owners connect to Guideline’s plan setup with their QuickBooks account. From there, they answer a few questions about their retirement plan needs, set a start date, and Guideline takes care of the heavy lifting.

Our platform securely syncs QuickBooks Payroll data with our own, so any updates or changes will be reflected in both places automatically—saving time and hassle. 401(k) contributions are automatically deducted each pay run, so there’s no need to maintain deductions or manually re-enter payroll data. And when employees become eligible to join the plan, Guideline will notify and enroll them on the small business owner’s behalf—and provide full support along the way.

More than 15,000 small businesses trust Guideline because we’ve tailored our platform to their needs. We use technology to our advantage to keep prices low and predictable month-to-month. Many 401(k) providers charge asset based fees for investment management services—we don’t. We can help participants select a diversified portfolio that rebalances automatically to stay on track. And the funds in our managed portfolios are from low-cost providers like Vanguard.

It’s always been our mission to create a retirement Americans can look forward to. According to our research, just ten percent of small businesses offer their employees a 401(k) plan.

Legacy 401(k) providers avoid small businesses because they’re too difficult for them to turn a profit on—they’re not conducive to the fee model predominant in the industry. As the 401(k) app with the deepest QuickBooks integration, we’re proud to build upon our mission and continue serving even more small businesses and their employees.

Give your employees a roadmap to retirement

With Guideline, you can provide an impactful work benefit while minimizing paper work and fees

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