Elevate your retirement benefit

Take advantage of special offers with Participant Perks

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Enterprise exclusive

Save even more with Participant Perks

Companies in the Enterprise tier — our top tier — get access to special offers on financial tools and services. These offers are available to all employees eligible for the company’s 401(k) plan, and can help create a more well-rounded roadmap to retirement.1

Explore the latest offers

Please be aware that some partners are on a subscription model and may introduce fees following a trial period.

Frequently asked questions

What are Participant Perks?

Participant Perks are special offers on financial tools and services. The Perks are only available to employees at companies whose plans are on Guideline’s Enterprise tier.

Can I add Participant Perks to my plan?

If you're currently a Guideline customer on a Starter or Core tier and would like to learn more about upgrading to Enterprise to access this benefit, please reach out to Customer Success.

How can I redeem these offers?

If your company is on our Enterprise tier, you can redeem these offers via email or the links above.

Will there be more offers added?

Our team is regularly reviewing additional services to offer to our Enterprise customers. Check back every so often to see if there are new offers.

Who can I reach out to if I have a question about these services?

If you have a question about one of these services, please contact their support team. Visit our Help Center to learn more.