Powerful plans for
businesses of any size
Our 401(k) plans come with low monthly costs and no transaction fees. So you won’t have to pay extra for plan setup, plan transfers, or 5500 prep.1
$0 transaction fee
$0 rollover fee
$0 loan fee
$0 distribution fee
Refer to Guideline’s Form ADV 2A Brochure for additional information regarding Guideline’s fees.
Help employees save more
Active employees are only charged an annual account fee starting at 0.15%5 (0.0125%/month). Combined with low fund fees, that's up to 6x less than the industry average.6 Learn more
Refer to Guideline’s Form ADV 2A Brochure for additional information regarding Guideline’s fees.
Your company could be eligible to receive up to $16,500 in tax credits over the plan’s first three years to help offset initial plan costs.11
$8/month base fee + 0.08%/year12
With a Guideline SEP IRA, self-employed individuals and other business owners can contribute a significant amount toward their retirement with minimal paperwork.
$4/month base fee + 0.08%/year12
$2/month base fee + 0.08%/year12 if your total account balance is under $10,000
Traditional and Roth IRAs aren’t tied to an employer and withdrawals may be easier. They can be a good option for individual savers who want financial flexibility for today and the future.
Employers pay a flat monthly base fee and a flat monthly participant fee based on the number of active participants in the plan. Learn more.
Monthly payments aren’t due until after your plan is active and the first contributions have been made.
All 401(k) participants pay an account fee, as chosen by the plan sponsor. It’s based on their account assets, and ranges between 0.15% and 0.35% depending on the plan tier and pricing selected.5 When an employee leaves your company, they will also be responsible for a $4/month account fee after a 90-day grace period if they maintain a balance.
SEP, Traditional and Roth IRA account holders are responsible for a monthly fee starting at $2/month plus a 0.08% base fee based on the account assets. Guideline deducts this fee on a monthly basis based on the month-end account balance. This fraction of a percentage on accounts starting at 0.08% comes out to about 67¢ a month for every $10,000 saved.12
See our Form ADV 2A Brochure for more information on our fees.
You only pay for active employees who are currently employed by your company and are participating in the 401(k) plan. When an employee leaves your company, they will be responsible for any charges on the account.
Former employees who have balances in your 401(k) plan are charged a $4 monthly base fee. Guideline starts charging this fee after an initial 90-day grace period following termination of employment, or after the end of the blackout period if the retirement plan was recently transferred to Guideline from another 401(k) provider. The monthly account base fee is deducted from their account for any month during which the month-end account balance is greater than $0. Former employees will continue to pay the applicable account fee (0.08%-0.35%, as chosen by the plan sponsor) based on their account assets.1
We don’t charge a termination fee if you decide to terminate your Guideline 401(k) plan.13
Guideline accepts credit cards as a payment method for your monthly plan billing. You can set this up from the Plan Settings page once you’ve logged in to your new account. See our Help Center for more information on how to set this up.
Starter plans must be connected with one of our full integration payroll providers:
Our 3(16) fiduciary services are only available to clients who utilize a fully integrated payroll or supported payroll:
This information is general in nature and is for informational purposes only. It shouldn’t be used as a substitute for specific tax, legal and/or financial advice that considers all relevant facts and circumstances. Investing involves risk and investments may lose value. Tax laws and regulations are complex and subject to change. You should consult a qualified financial adviser or tax professional before relying on this information.